If you are planning a cruise, make sure you carry all of the necessary documents. Your passport will be needed at ports of call and will make it easier to book your return flight. Make sure that your passport isn’t expired and that it’s valid for at least six months after the end of your cruise. You should also check the requirements for visas in each country you plan to visit.
You’ll also want to make sure you are protected against diseases on board a cruise ship. Infections are common, so it’s a good idea to bring a mask and practice good hygiene. Vaccinations are available, including yellow fever, so check with your travel health adviser. In addition, you’ll want to make sure you have the correct medication in case you’re quarantined.
If you’re traveling with children, make sure they’re well-vaccinated. Many cruise lines require passengers to be tested before travel, but the best way to make sure you’re protected is to do it prior to travel. Some of the more popular cruise lines require guests to take a pre-test. You can find out if your cruise line requires pre-testing by checking its website. You should also ask the cruise line about the ports of call that require pre-testing.
If you have a health condition that requires specialized care, you should also check on the cruise ship’s medical facilities. Most cruise ships have medical centres on board where you can get basic medical care or emergency treatment. However, in rare cases, you may need to be taken to a hospital on land.
While on board, you can enjoy a wide range of activities. There are complimentary activities on board as well as specialty restaurants. However, you should make reservations ahead of time if you’d like to dine at one of these special restaurants. Make sure to wear proper shoes and other protective gear, and make sure to consult a doctor prior to traveling to your destination.
If you’re going to be in an area where piracy is a problem, make sure you check the safety measures and procedures of the cruise company. Also, ensure that your passport is protected. It’s also essential to do research on the destination, and read any travel advisories about that country. Don’t forget about your travel insurance, which can help you save thousands of dollars in the event of an emergency.
You should check out the requirements for vaccinations before you travel on a cruise. You may have to undergo quarantine or isolation procedures while onboard. You also need to check your COVID-19 requirements for returning to Canada. Contact ArriveCAN to learn more about these requirements. You should also check with the Canadian government about specific health requirements for traveling by ship.